The week has been good. It's been warm and I even got a tan.
I'm glad the itinerary came through. They booked it weeks ago and when I called the office they said that since the group that is leaving around this time is so big, they were only getting about 3 itineraries a week, even though the flights were actually booked already. They said they would send it out as soon as it came in.
Anyway, yes, I'll be home late on the 25th. So, I don't know what Hailey and the kids want to do about that, but whenever I see them I'll be happy.
I don't know when I'll meet with President Axford, but when we can, that would be nice. I'd kind of like to be released officially soon after getting home.
We had a good experience this week at church. A family in the ward brought a family they have been telling about the church. We met them and they agreed to start meeting with us. Apparently they are already planning to get married (they aren't yet) because they hear that's a requirement for baptism. So that looks really promising. So we'll meet with them next Tuesday.
The pageant is coming up really quickly and the temple grounds are transforming into a performance space. We have 20+ non-members from this area attending that we have gotten tickets for. So, it will be a good missionary opportunity.
I can't wait to see the kids! I look forward to it!
We don't email on transfer weeks, so this is the last time i'm on email. So I'll see you on Thursday the 25th!
Love to all!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Kara realized she had not taken an official picture at the MTC.
Look! No coat!!

Preston England Temple Grounds
She is enjoying being able to see the temple every day in this area!
The sun is shining! It's supposed to
stay shining for 2 weeks! It's supposed to get up to a high of 33 degrees
Celsius! I still have no idea what that is in Fahrenheit... but sounds nice!
We had a good week. The Chorley area
is known for its member work because it's really hard to find people to teach
here. So we've been seeing a lot of members. We have a tea appointment every
night this week... It's crazy. We had tea with the temple president this last
week. That was kind of weird, but really neat!
You asked about the 4th of July... it's the 3rd
consecutive 4th of July that I've spent in the UK. I've heard several degrading
comments about America this week, but that's okay! A family in the ward had us
over for a BBQ with American food. So we had hot dogs, hamburgers, and cake! So
that was fun!
We did some service for a member
this week helping to make cakes for a big auction that they had in the ward to
help raise funds for EFY. It was loads of fun helping!
Not a whole lot interesting to tell
from this week! It's been a really good week! Still loving the opportunity I
have to see the temple every day!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Monday, July 1, 2013
Sister Orr and her dear friend Sister Smith
Phew... Flood of emotions right now.
I just read an email from Paige. She's engaged!! I'm so happy I'll be there for
the wedding! But wow... my best friend is engaged!
It's been a good week. It's
flown by. We had a temple zone conference on Tuesday. That was good. We also
gave our departing testimonies there. So that was also a moment of
"Wait... it's not that time yet."
The members here feed us a lot. We
have a tea appointment every night. We've had everything from salad to pizza to
sausage casseroles. At least they mix things up here so we aren't having a
Sunday roast every night.
Sister Telefoni and I have found a
lot of time to talk this week. It's been really good. I've been able to get to
know her better and we laugh and joke about everything. We are finding time to
enjoy our last transfer and spending it together.
We watched the missionary broadcast
last night. It was really good. Sounds like my mission isn't ending with me
going home. They put so much emphasis on members and having members help and do
things and find people to teach. President Monson looks like he's losing weight.
Probably stress and sadness lately. President Packer--I don't know how much
longer he is going to be with us. But it was good to listen to the general
authorities speak and see a ward from Hauula! I knew some of them! Sister
Telefoni and I were pretty excited to see that as well!
Well, nothing too much more exciting
to tell. We are spending time at a member's home today helping her make and
decorate cakes for an auction that they're doing at the church to raise money
for the youth to go to EFY.
I love you lots. I received an email
from Aunt Judy that had a picture of Kade, he is a cutey. Kind of looks a bit
growly in the picture, but cute!
With love,
Monday, June 24, 2013
..... so.... funny story..... I
moved areas again..... I'm now in Chorley.
I have been moved so many times on
my mission.... I am now on to companion #13! Yes, you heard me, companion #13.
How many transfers do sisters have in the field? 13... People are going to
start thinking I'm a major problem missionary.
Anyway, how this came to be...
Wednesday morning I got a phone call at 7 AM. President said, "Sister
Orr, I'm moving you to Chorley." I was like...okay. Sister Telefoni was training
a new missionary and that new missionary decided she wanted to go home. So
Sister Telefoni didn't have a companion. So they sent me up here. Sister Finke
got put in a different area. President said that I'm supposed to bless some
lives up here. So phone call was at 7 AM Wednesday, the assistants came to pick us
up with all our luggage at 3. So I've been in Chorley since last Wednesday.
I'm happy to be here though... just weird that it happened to me again. I just
told President at a meeting the other day that I must be the transient
missionary who just moves here, there and everywhere.
The temple is in our area. That
is super nice. Our ward here is huge. Average sacrament attendance is around
175. It has a lot of families in it. I laughed yesterday as I walked down the
corridor and prams were lining the way.
We've been told to do a lot of
member work here. The Pageant is going to be held on the temple grounds here, so
we're supposed to help in any way we can. Little do they know that Sister
Telefoni and I will both be gone for the pageant. Oh, I don't know if you know,
Sister Telefoni and I came out together. You may have already known that.
So yes, that's what we're up to.
We had a zone training and
interviews with President last Thursday. That was good. President says that
when I get home I need to call them regularly. Skype would probably be best
since it's free. He said he was trying very hard not to turn the interview into
an exit interview. 4 weeks left and then I'll have my exit interview.
I can't believe it's almost July. We were talking to a new member the other day and she was telling me she got baptised a few months ago. In my mind I was thinking, "oh, probably December or sometime around Christmas." I asked her when she got baptised and she said March. It doesn't seem like March was a few months ago. It's been 6 months since Christmas..... weird...
Another weird thing about this
ward. The Bishop is the MTC coordinator and several ward members are MTC
teachers. I'm like, "I know all of you."
Also, I think it is funny that I was
always saying I didn't want to serve on temple square... Now, I'm in the
British equivalent. :)
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thank you for emailing me. It was
nice to have something to read today. It also was good to see pictures of the
I was thinking about what you said
that Tucker says I've been gone forever. If you think about it, I've been gone
for 1/4 of his life and I've been gone for a little less than 1/2 of Kimber's.
That is forever to them.
It's been a good week since
Wednesday. Well, to be honest, I can't really remember what we've done since
Yesterday was good. Church was good.
It was a good father's day here in Southport. We had a really good miracle
happen yesterday. A few weeks ago, we had tea with the Bishop and his family.
Sister Turner mentioned her cousin had been coming to church for a while and
was interested in learning more. At the time the cousin was on holiday so we
didn't get to meet her. We talked to Sister Turner about a week and a half ago
again and she mentioned that with the time of church changing to an earlier
time, her cousin wasn't sure she could make it. She has some health problems
that limit her sometimes. So it wasn't looking very hopeful anymore. But
yesterday her cousin did come to church! And we taught her and it was great! I
asked her what she would like to see happen and she said that she wants to
learn more so that she can become more of a permanent part of our church. So
she has said she'll come to church every week now and so hopefully we can help
her along the way! So that was great!
A funny story for you about
We have Elders here in Southport as
well. I can't remember if I told you that when I moved her. But recently we've
been having joint tea appointments on Sundays. So members have all 4 of us
over. Yesterday Sister Finke and I had planned to catch a bus from church back
to the flat to drop off the extra books we had at church and then head over to
this member's for tea at 2:30. We were talking to people after church and we realized
the time was 1:45. We got out to the bus stop and realized the bus wasn't
coming for 20 minutes because it was on Sunday service. So we decided obviously
we wouldn't have time to stop by the flat and that we needed to walk quickly to
the member's to be on time. We ended up being 5 minutes late to the member's
and we felt really bad... But we were there and there were no Elders. So we
were waiting in the living room while the family finished up their tea
preparations (which they wouldn't let us help with). After about 15 minutes the
Dad came in and said the Elders were going to be late because they were waiting
for a bus. The Grandma, who is proper British, was like, "The Sisters got
here. Why can't the Elders get here? They walked, can't the Elders walk?"
There's one Elder who is a bit overweight and rather new in the mission... and
the dad said, "Elder H. doesn't like walking." The grandma replied,
"Are you serious? Well he needs to learn. It would do him some good to do
some walking. I'm going to tell him that when they get here." OH and tell
him she did. We ended up starting eating without them... they were over 45
minutes late. She told them off good. And Sister Finke and I just sat there and
tried not to laugh.... But then it got better.... During dessert, the grandma
offered Elder H. some more. He said, "No thanks, I'm okay, I'm full. I ate
some KFC before we came." At first we all thought they went to KFC on a
Sunday, but he clarified that it was leftovers... I then asked, "Elder, do
you just carry food with you all the time? You brought leftover KFC to
church?" He then explained that they had gone back to their flat to get
leftover KFC after church before going to the tea appointment.... oh my
goodness, the grandma was not happy... She said, "You went home to eat
before coming to MY house for tea and that's why you were so very late?! Next
time there won't be food for you. You can just be left at the door." My
only thought was like, "Elders, you are idiots and you so deserve this..."
Needless to say, that family said next time it will only be us that are
invited. I had to call President to ask him another question but then threw in,
"President, what would you do if you were us and you were watching a
member tell off the Elders? How would you respond?" He said, "A
member was telling off the Elders?"--- "Well, President, they
deserved it." ----"Well, then, I guess you just sit there and
laugh." I like President's ideas. I told him that's what we did!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
So... It's been a good week and a
half. Stressful and with some irritations, but good.
Last Tuesday we had a training for
the new missionaries. It's called the first 5 weeks, but for Sister Finke,
since she came in 2 weeks into the transfer, it was the first 3 weeks...
I'm at a point now that my energy levels, coming up on a
year and half, are running really low. I feel like sometimes I barely have
enough energy to motivate myself let alone my companion. So I'm trying to
budget my energy. One thing I've learned on my mission, but that is always a
continual process no matter who you are is patience. I was sitting in the
bedroom the other day by myself trying to calm my mind and be more patient,
and I grabbed the phone and called Sister Preston. I asked, "How do you
become more patient?" I just heard laughter on the other end for a minute.
Sister Preston still gets annoyed with people, but I figured she's been married
and has dealt with President's little quirks. She gave me some suggestions. The
next day I was super annoyed and irritated. I was frustrated with my companion
and then an ATM ate my mission debit card. It was not a good day. I called
Sister Preston again and said, "What do you DO when you are super super
irritated?" She suggested lots of chocolate. Don't worry, I think I just
gained 15 pounds from this past weekend...
But. I'm still here in Southport
with Sister Finke.
Sister Smith got transferred over to
the Newcastle zone. We had a zone meeting yesterday before transfers today and
it may have been the last time I got to see Sister Smith before I go home. It
was a particularly rough day because Sister Smith found out yesterday that her
grandpa passed away Monday. She has a really close relationship with her
grandpa. President let me go and sit with her alone and we talked for a while.
I really love that girl. President always says we'll be friends forever and
it's true. I'm just super sad I might not get to see her again until Christmas.
(She lives in Utah.) We'll try to convince President to let us have a mini-party before I go... but
we'll see.
We're still working on finding
people to teach here. We had a few appointments set up for the last week and
all of them fell through. It's rough sometimes. We just get to know members
really well. We have had beautiful weather for the last 2 weeks. Not so much
today, but for the last 2 weeks. I even got a tan line on my feet from my
shoes! I was going to take a picture, but haven't yet. Need to.
I overcame a fear this last Sunday.
We had a meeting last Wednesday with the Relief Society and we taught about
missionary work. After we did our little thing, one of the sisters did an
activity of asking having pieces of paper that had deeper questions on them and
we were to bear testimony to others about something in relation to that. I got
a piece of paper that said, "Where do you find refuge from the
world?" I went and talked with this member and told her that my refuge is
in music. If I'm stressed, music is my go-to. She asked me what I usually do. I
said I sing, I play the piano, I listen to music. Well, there went 16 months of
hiding the fact I play the piano. She is the Sunday school teacher. She texted
me later last week and asked me if I would play the opening hymn for her Sunday
school class. They usually don't have an opening hymn, but with the lesson she
wanted one. Stress! I haven't played in church since young women's when
everyone laughed at me and I vowed I'd never do it again. But I did! And it went
well! No major mess-ups. So, conquered a little fear. Don't really want to
continue playing in church though.
Well, I think that's all I really
want to share for the week. I'll be back to emailing on Mondays next week. As
far as I know anyway. I don't think there's a bank holiday next week.
Keep emailing me please! There's
only 5 more emailing days left before I'm home! You can do it!!! I have faith!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Monday, June 3
It's been a good week. The weather's
been really nice and seems to be staying that way for now. Our 2 weeks of
summer may have finally arrived!
We are having a zone activity today
so we aren't on the computers today as long as usual. We are having a BBQ today as a zone and then we will
be playing some sports so I'm excited for a good day!
We got a referral this last week
from the mission office. I didn't have any super high hopes because I haven't
really seen a lot of miracles with those types of referrals on my mission, but
we went and stopped by nonetheless. It's an 45 minute bus ride and then a 45
minute walk to the town where this referral is. We knocked and asked for her
and she said, "Oh! I thought you were going to call first!" I
explained we hadn't received a phone number so that's why we stopped by! She
said she didn't have time at that moment to meet with us but gave us her number
so we can set up an appointment for this week. So that was a really good
Sister Finke is doing well. I am
realizing though that training a missionary who is learning English is a lot
more tiring and exhausting that just training a missionary. I am learning
patience a lot more than I have the rest of my mission. Yeah, I'm struggling at
the moment with that. You know when you just have a day or two where just
everything irritates you? That's been me the last 2 or 3 days and I am trying
really hard to control it...
Hmm, what else. The ward has asked
us to do a Relief Society night to help the sisters get to know us and help
them get excited about missionary work. They asked us to do role-plays and some
other things. It's a lot of pressure since I can't even get Sister Finke to do
role-plays when we are in the flat studying. She kind of just watches me. So I
have to figure out how to do that Wednesday with the relief society. I don't
know whether I'll just teach and Sister Finke can observe or how I am going to
get her involved.
The ward really likes having
sisters. They always mention that they "trust us" more than the elders.
I don't think I have a whole lot
else to write. Transfers are next week. I'll probably be staying, but who knows.
So I would say that most likely you'll hear from me on Wednesday, but it might
be later.
Hope this finds everyone
all happy and well!
Tuesday, May 28
It's been a good week. This is
probably going to be a pretty short letter because my brain is just fried at
the moment. Life is stressful, but, as always, an incredible adventure.
I did use my credit card last week.
I had a little issue that arose and I panicked. I found head lice in my hair...
oh my goodness I had a meltdown. So I ran to the store and bought things to
kill them and make them go away. The joys of being a missionary and dealing
with the weird things you pick up from being around people. Good news though,
No more head lice. Sister Preston said she would be surprised if my hair didn't
fall out with all the things I put on my hair. I tried a lot of things.
We had a good multi-zone conference
last week.
We went up to the temple yesterday.
It was beautifully sunny and bright when we got there. The flowers were
blooming. It was beautiful. I love to see the temple.
I think that's all I want to share.
I love you all very much. I hope
everything is going well over by you.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Good morning! The sun was shining
yesterday but not yet today... there's still hope. It seems to get a little bit
better as the day goes on.
It's been a good week. I got a new
companion on Wednesday. Her name's Sister Finke from Germany. She's 19 years
old. She didn't know English before she entered the MTC and was there for 6
weeks. So I'm helping her the best I can with understanding English. She's
really good. She wants to improve her teaching skills and unfortunately we have
no one to teach at the moment, so we do a lot of role-playing lessons in the
We had stake conference yesterday.
We all went down to Liverpool stake center for that. It was a broadcast from
Salt Lake. So it was President Eyring, Elder Scott, Elder Baxter, and Sister
Oscarson. It was really good. Elder Baxter talked a lot about finding and
strengthening less-actives. Oh! And to my surprise, I learned in the opening
prayer that Sister Monson passed away. That was kind of a shock to all of us
missionaries. We don't hear anything.
I got so see Sister Smith at
conference yesterday. I don't know if I told you this or not, but Sister
Preston grounded us from each other. Apparently we are too good of friends and
make other missionaries feel left out on the fun... and we cause "too much
trouble." So when we have opportunities to see each other where Sister
Preston isn't lurking to chastise us, we enjoy it. Sister Preston isn't too
harsh on us if she catches us together, but if she thinks we're being too
separate and secretive she said, "There will be more consequence than just
strong words spoken." She's told me off once already. Meh, it's okay. She
says she only does it because she loves us. She's great.
I was so bummed yesterday! I just
remembered! I looked everywhere to see if I could find Ben and his mom Wendy,
but they weren't there! I need to write them a letter and actually send it this
time. I've written a few but then realize I don't have envelopes or stamps.
Hmm, we're still spending a lot of
time finding. We've knocked on like 1000 doors this week. We have had 3 people
say we could stop by at a different time so we'll stop by them again this week
I don't think I've shared this with
you, but I took time a while back to read through Preach My Gospel from start
to finish and I highlighted in blue every time it mentioned relying on the
Spirit or teaching by the Spirit (etc). It really helped me become a better
missionary. I love having the ability to rely on the Spirit in all things. That's
one thing several of my companions have listed as my biggest strength as a
missionary. I just really know that I honestly don't have the comprehension to
know exactly what people need to hear, but Heavenly Father does, so I just go
with what feels right and what comes into my heart.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
So I've been moved. I am now in
Southport (close to Liverpool). I am serving with Sister Nkosi who is from
South Africa and has been out about 6 months. We white-washed into Southport
opening a new area. They already had elders here but now they have sisters too!
So we arrived at a new flat last night that only had a table, two chairs, and 2
beds. We had to go buy quite a bit of stuff last night and they are supposed to
be bringing us more stuff. So it's an adventure starting in a new area with no
one to teach and no idea where you are. Yay fun! Southport is super posh! Huge homes and
elaborate architecture.
Anyway, Sister Leslie is training
this transfer. So she stayed in Oldham and was asking me so many questions
before I left! If there was ever a moment where there was no one to talk to
while we were walking she would pick my brain for "words of wisdom."
sometimes I feel like a martial arts master when people ask me to share my
"profound wisdom"... I just have a large vocabulary... I think they confuse that
with actual knowledge.
We had a good week at the beginning
of the week. We were able to see a lot of people before I left. They started a
new thing where they let us know on Saturday where we are going so we can
actually say good bye to people at church. So that was nice. We went and
visited with the nonmember friends of President Preston that he referred to us
in Oldham. We've seen them a few times but Ken says he doesn't want to come
back yet (former member) and his wife Jenny says she's not interested at the
moment. We had an incredible visit with them yesterday morning though. We were
explaining a bit about the restoration to Jenny. Ken started talking about how
all of us wonder which church is true and how we can know it. He then told the
whole story of Joseph Smith and started crying. He waved his finger towards the
ceiling, looking up, and said, "clever." And then said that he knew
that Joseph Smith had a vision and that he knew the church was true. He just
doesn't want to return without Jenny, but Jenny's just not ready yet in her
mind. I'll stay in touch with them though.
Life's pretty good. Mom, the
pharmacy charge was because I got an eye infection in both eyes. My eyes just
kept becoming blood-shot most days for 3 weeks. So I went to the doctor and
they didn't give me an official diagnosis but gave me a prescription for
antibiotics. So that's gotten significantly better.
I'll have to let you know next week
about time to skype on Mother's day. I don't know any of the members yet and
who has a computer and all that fun stuff. I won't be emailing Monday most
likely because from what I hear it's a bank holiday meaning the libraries are
Glad to hear the family's well. As for flying back to Hawaii I was
thinking something like the 5th of September, but not sure.
Love you all!
Love you all!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Monday, April 22
It's been a really good week! We've been super busy and have been enjoying missionary life. On Tuesday, we had a district meeting and then had 4 less-active lessons. We've been teaching an investigator named David. He's really prepared. He was the one that came to general conference and then to church. He came again yesterday and we've met with him twice. He's praying about a baptismal date in May. So that's pretty wonderful.
Before I forget, transfers are next week so I won't be emailing until later in the week next week.
I'm going to go get my haircut today. Just a trim. I haven't cut my hair in a year! crazy!
We had 2 lessons this last week that were intense. Spiritually intense. We let the Spirit teach more than anything and we just bore testimony to what the Spirit said. We have a less-active who is trying to come back to church, but just isn't quite finding the motivation so we talked about Jesus Christ and having faith. He started teaching himself by the things he himself said. He was beating himself up pretty bad about not keeping commitments so I just said that it's important to look at what we do do and use those we don't do merely as a reference to make small steps back to right way. Then he said one of the most profound things. He said, "I've come to realize that when we put ourselves down or over think things we are devaluing a gift from God; we are devaluing our worth which is a gift from God." I was like WOW! That is such an intense idea! That really struck home.
Not a whole lot more interesting things are happening. I got an email back from the landlady in Hawaii that I emailed. She said she put my name in one of the spots in the house and that we will complete the rental agreement and logistics in July. SO I have a place to live! Which is good! I just need to email Brother Ferre still and see if I'll have a job!
I'll keep Grandma Nannenga in my prayers and hope that they figure out what's happening. Glad Hailey, Dusty, and the kids are doing well. What's happening in Chandra's world now-a-days? I don't often hear about her!
I saw in the headlines of the newspapers about the explosion in Texas. I thought it might impact dad in some way even if he may not have worked on that plant. So you were in my thoughts earlier this week as well.
Anyway, I've spent most of the time sorting out school, housing, and other things so I have to keep it pretty short. I still need to write President. I love you all so very much!
I love you!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Monday, April 15
It was a good week. It was busy.
Sister Leslie and I are getting
along well and for the first time in the Oldham area we have so many
appointments that we are struggling fitting all of them in. Many are
less-active members and a few investigators as well! It's crazy!
Our mission had been compiling
"A Mission Song," they are going to record it and then we will all
learn it. So we got a phone call this morning saying we had been nominated to
be 2 of the 8 singing on the recording. So that was a bit of a shock. So we'll
be going into the recording studio on Friday!
We had some miracles happen
yesterday. Last week Sister Leslie was talking to someone on the bus about
general conference and this man interrupted asking if we really have a living
prophet on the earth today. So Sister Leslie invited him to the broadcast of
conference and he came last week. He said he really enjoyed it, but then was
unable to give us his phone number or where he lived. We had set an appointment
to meet at the library this last Tuesday, but we couldn't find him. We were a
bit discouraged because we didn't know how to contact him. Well he showed up at
church yesterday and stayed the whole time. So we set up another appointment
for this week.
Also, a week ago we talked to a man
on the bus... well he talked to us at first. We got on the bus and he said,
"Oye, I'll talk to you." So we went down and talked to him about the
gospel. He seemed completely uninterested so we thought all we were doing was
planting a seed. Well he showed up at church yesterday completely surprising
us! He still doesn't want to meet with us yet, but he said he might come back
to church another time in a few weeks. So that was pretty great!
We heard Thursday that they are
introducing new Sister leadership in missions. Training Sister Leaders or
something like that. They're basically zone leaders without the Priesthood (as
Sister Preston put it). So that will be interesting. We'll start having those
in our mission starting next transfer. So many changes with all the new
missionaries and everything! We have 15 sisters coming in at the next transfer.
Well, I don't have a whole lot else
to say for the time being. I haven't figured anything out with fall housing yet, but
working on it.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Monday, April 8
It's been a really good week! We
were able to teach several lessons!
President Preston referred 2 of his
friends, Ken and Jenny, and we were able to meet with them and teach them! I
think they have so much wonderful potential, I wish they could just see it
themselves! Sister Leslie and I feel very strongly that we can help them in
some way or another. I don't know if it will be getting them to church or
baptised or just helping them build a testimony. President Preston came out
teaching with us on Wednesday and it was so good! Sister Leslie was so worried
about teaching with President Preston, but she did really well. We are working
on building her confidence.
We have started working with a part
member family. A few of the kids haven't been baptised and
the mum and dad don't really like coming to church because they've got an issue
with a member, but they are so wonderful and we look forward to being able to
work with them.
We were getting off the bus the
other day and the bus driver stopped us and asked us where we are from. He
apparently met with missionaries briefly 3 years ago and went to church with
them. He then asked if we had time to meet with him! So we met with him the
other day and are making slow progress, but progress nonetheless.
Anyway, as for housing in the fall. I got permission from President to start searching for it when I'm online. I know the Ferre's were renting to students, so I might check with them. I'll email some of my friends and try to get contact information for their landlords. So that's where I'm up to with that.
I'm a bit scatter-brained today
trying to get loads of things sorted so sorry if this letter is short and
somewhat less than informative. It'll be a good week this week. We have several
lessons planned again plus 2 zone conferences plus interviews with President.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Tuesday, April 2
Sorry I didn't give any warning
about not emailing yesterday. I forget that whenever there's an opportunity to
take a holiday they take it over here. So yes, everywhere was closed yesterday
for the Easter holiday.
Happy Late Easter!
It's been a good week or so! Sister
Leslie is very nice and a really good missionary! We've been able to see a lot
of good things happening! We went to go stop by some less-actives last night
and one of them let us in and we had a lovely conversation and we'll be going
back there on Thursday to make dinner for her and see her again. She has some
physical limitations so we offered to come and make dinner for her and do a bit
of service for her. So I think it will be a really good experience. We also saw
one of our investigators named Samantha last night. We haven't been able to see
her in weeks and weren't even sure she even wanted to keep meeting with us. We
ended up feeling prompted to extend the baptismal invitation to her and she is
now praying about whether or not she should be baptized on the 27th of April.
So that was a good experience as well.
I can't believe it's April already!
It doesn't seem to be with the weather over here, but apparently in 2 weeks it's
supposed to start being really nice.
How was the Easter holidays back
home? We spent it finding... and finding... and finding.... but it was good. We
spent all day Saturday finding, but we met some really nice people that could
become investigators in the near future! We taught a lesson Saturday night and
we really are spreading the gospel to all the world. One of the members is from
Ghana and she had family from Ghana visiting for the weekend and invited us
over to teach her family about the church. We met and talked about the
restoration. Before we even asked them to read The Book of Mormon, they asked
if they could each have a copy to start studying. They were pretty happy and
excited to hear that there is a living prophet on the earth today. They'll be
staying down in London for the next month of so before going back to Ghana, but
we gave them the information to know how to contact the missionaries wherever
they are. They even ended up decided to come to church on Sunday as well! So
even though they weren't able to become our investigators, I hope and pray they
will get in touch with the missionaries in Ghana! Sunday was really good, we
had testimony meeting. I think having so many people bear testimony of the
Atonement really brought the Spirit very powerfully. The chapel was absolutely
full of people and I hope they were all able to have their hearts touched in
some way on a beautiful Easter Sunday morning.
So I wrote a while back about how
I've had to deal with some creepy men as of late. I've actually had to deal
with creepy men a fair bit on my mission. I wrote to President in one of recent
weekly letters that sometimes it's just so hard being a sister and having to
deal with things like that. He called me and told me I'm basically the only
sister that has had to deal with it to the extent that I have. He has now
committed me to staying away from creepy men. I'm trying. A man at the bus
station the other day wanted to hold me hand. I called President that night for
some reason and just mentioned it, he was less than pleased to hear about it.
Meh, it's alright, I'm smart and am not going to allow myself to get into any
truly tough situations. I just thought it was funny that I've been committed to
avoid creepy men. The thing is, they all seem relatively normal at first...
Oh! I had an experience today, we
were on the bus and Sister Leslie started to talk to someone. I kind of was
listening a bit from where I was sitting and the girl was from China. She
didn't speak a whole lot of English and so Sister Leslie asked me to come over.
I was able to talk to her in some Chinese and understood a little bit of what
she said to me in Chinese. We got her number and she said she'd be willing to
meet with us to help her improve her English and I asked if she could help me
with Chinese. So hopefully we can make something happen there! I was just
really proud that I spoke Chinese to someone and they understood what I was
Hmmm... I don't think I have a whole
lot else to say today. The sun has been shining a bit more, so there's hope,
it's still cold, but at least the sun is shining.
I hope you all will have a wonderful
I love you all so much!
Thursday, March 28
It's a Thursday and the sun is
finally shining after days of blizzards and cold winds. But it's supposed to
get cold again and stay dead freezing until end of April. I've been told I need
to go see a doctor about being so cold and tired all the time. Some of the members
think I might have an under active thyroid. I agreed to talk to a doctor. The
members say it's just not normal to be wearing leggings, nylons, fleece and
polyester tights, 3 pairs of socks, and boots and still come home at night with
purple and red feet. So we'll see if I need to be tested for something.
I'm still in Oldham. New companion.
Her name is Sister Leslie. I'm follow-up training her. She's been out 6 weeks
so we'll complete the rest of her 12 weeks training (even though this transfer
is only 5 weeks). President told me she is a really good missionary and I am
her companion right now to prepare her to be a trainer in Oldham next transfer
and then I will white-wash train next transfer. That's what he says... things
often change. So we'll see. Sister Leslie is a really good missionary though!
We've only been together less than 24 hours and I am just so utterly impressed.
We talked last night of anything we feel individually we would like to see
improve in ourselves this transfer and then during study this morning we set
goals and expectations for this transfer as a companionship. We are going to
see wonderful miracles! She is from St. George Utah, just turned 21 this month,
and is studying nursing back home.
Sister Ballantyne went down to Wales
(not Gaerwen area) and she is training there.
President Preston and I had a good
long conversation yesterday. I just talked about some of my fears and
struggles. It was good to talk to him. I told him I know perfectly well that I
over analyze things. He agreed. He is proud of who I am becoming and just
always tells me that I have so much that I am contributing to this mission.
I've apparently become the
"mafia boss" of the sisters. Don't worry, it's supposed to be a good
thing. I know most of everything that goes on with the sisters. The good, the
bad, everything. Many of the sisters have permission to call me if they need to
talk or if they're struggling or anything. I've had so many sisters call me in
tears and saying, "I want to go home." I have come to realize that
all the things I have gone through have made me that much stronger and I can
honestly help these sisters get through many of the things they face because
I've been there! Sister Ballantyne dubbed me the Mafia Boss.
We have a fast, find, and feast this
Saturday. We will fast on Friday, Devote ourselves to finding on Saturday, and
then have a feast sometime to complete the circle. If you could pray that we
find new investigators it would be greatly appreciated! We want these wonderful
miracles to happen, but we definitely need Heavenly Father's help!
So, that's mostly what's been
happening in my life. It's still cold and damp, but everyone keeps saying
spring is coming soon...
Mom and Dad, Hope you're having a
blast in Belize, enjoying warm weather. Hailey, Liam is a fat little chunk
ain't he? Aunt Judy sent some pictures. He looks like he is almost as big as
Kimber! Maybe it's just the angles.
Anyway, I hope this letter finds you
happy and well!
I love you lots!
Monday, March 18
Goodness, I can't even really
remember what happened this last week. It's all a bit of a blur really. We
currently have/had one investigator who is progressing, his name is David, and
we are handing him over to the Elders in the area to start teaching him. He's
45 and kind of just gave us creepy vibes since day one, but I thought maybe I
was just passing judgements, but no. He texts us all the time and he got mad the
other day when we didn't text back within 10 minutes of him texting us. He
refused to come to church yesterday because we had ignored his phone calls on
Saturday... He also told us that we shouldn't obey the rules that are put on us
and that we should be able to spend more time with him and let him buy us
things. He then texted me the other night and said that he'd really like to
keep in contact in the future if that's okay with me. He also bought me a
monthly bus pass that he wants to give me the next time we see him. Little does
he know that the next appointment we set, the Elders will show up. Can't wait
for the text messages and phone calls that will come after that since the last
time when I left the area for a bit and had the Elders go teach I got a text
message from him saying that I need to understand that I'm the only person that
can teach him about "the Mormon book.".... President is happy to hear
he has no idea where we live.
I also got asked by a 50 year old
man the other day if he could be my "British boyfriend." There are
weird people in the world. Our zone leader told us the other day that he had
heard that Sisters become very attractive when they have the Spirit... so I
should maybe take all this as a compliment?
All our other investigators are just
very flaky. Brian told us he can't meet with us for 3 weeks because he's baking
a cake.... Samantha needs to spend quality time with her cat because she's been
ill lately... Robert can't read and doesn't want to listen to the Book of
Mormon on CD... So we are working on contacting referrals and gaining new investigators.
It can be rather frustrating.
Mom, It's really interesting that
you mention catching a bit of a 24 hour bug/flu. I had a bit of that yesterday
and wasn't able to sleep Saturday night and missed church yesterday because of
it. 14 months of perfect attendance and then miss a Sunday. I called Sister
Preston and was really distraught about it. I'm a missionary! I can't miss
church! She told me I'd be okay.
I was able to see some pictures of
Kade and Kimber in an email from Aunt Judy. Kade is a little chunk isn't it?!
He looks nothing like Kimber or Tucker did. Although I am basing that judgement
on 2 pictures.
I'm happy to hear Dusty got a job.
I'm sure Rexburg will be fine. Hailey, if it gets too cliqueish at least you
know you have family in all directions. Who needs friends when you have
family!? Psh, Family is so much better. O'hana means family, family means no
one gets left behind or forgotten... just throw in a little Lilo and Stitch
Well, the sun is shining. I hope it
stays that way. Mom, I forgot to print off the letter of intent last week
before my time ran out. Maybe it would be better if you just took care of it if
you have some time.
Mom and Dad, I hope you have fun in
Belize, give my love Aunt Linda and Uncle Bill. I won't be emailing on Monday
next week because it's transfers again next week! Yes, already that time again!
I only have 3 more transfers left (plus a bit if I am able to extend) It's
really not that far away. I'm finishing up my 10th transfer.
Sister Ballantyne and I are still
getting along well. We more likely than not won't stay together next transfer,
but it's been fun. Once again the prospect of making another attempt at being a
trainer next transfer lingers in the air...but we'll see. President wanted to
keep me in this area for a while still, but with our investigator being the way
he is, I might get moved. Who knows!
Anyway, I think that's about all I
have to say! I hope you are all doing well... I can't remember if daylight
savings time will happen for us this coming weekend or next, but sometime soon
it'll happen.
I love you all very much!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Monday, March 11
Kara entitled this one "Finding Nature"
Dovestone Reservoir
Well, We've just had a flash
blizzard. left the flat about 20 minutes ago, walking in warm (ish) sunlight.
And within the last 20 minutes, the sky went dark, it started snowing and now
there's already an inch of snow on the ground.... Britain.
They came out with a new rule this
week for missionaries... well a revision. We can now email friends. Surprise!
We sat there and were like... really? So I thought that was quite the change.
So I'll email Emily about housing for fall.
This week was really good. Last P-day Sister
Ballantyne and I went to Dovestone Reservoir. I just needed to get
out and get some fresh air. So we hiked around the reservoir and saw a beautiful
sunset over the hills. So that was very nice and calming. I wrote a very
extensive letter to President this last week about how I've been feeling and he
came to see me on Saturday. He laid my letter in front of us and said,
"You could get a master's for such in-depth analysis." Then said some
of it just went over his head, but he understood a bit better what I was
thinking. He then reminded me that I have a "Big Presence" in this
mission and that hopefully I can once again start being a strength for other
missionaries and whatnot, and I need to make sure I'm being a presence for good
and not for bad. So that was nice. He then took us to Liverpool for a baptism.
I got to see all the members that I left a year ago now. They all asked when
I'll be transferred back to Liverpool. It was good to see that they still
remember me.
We took one of our investigators to
a fireside at the mission home last night. He enjoyed himself and is now
talking about wanting to get baptized. We might hand him over to the elders here
soon, we're praying about it, we just get a really odd feeling when we
have to meet with him. We're trying to figure out why.
Oh look, the sun came back out
again... snow just melted... Britain.
We've gotten a lot of referrals
lately. We hope to get in contact and have a bunch of new investigators! Sweet!
Well, that's mostly all the exciting
things from this side of the world.
Well, I hope you have a wonderful
week! I want to see more pictures of Kade! He's getting on 4 months here soon!
I love you all very much! Take care!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Monday, March 4
I'm back in Oldham and now with a
sister who is called Sister Ballantyne. (in purple) She's from Utah and has been on her
mission for almost 5 months. I was staying with her and Sister Telefoni this
last week and a half and we got along really well so President moved her with
me. So it's good. It's been a good week. Trying to still relax and clear my
mind, but now we are getting back into the swing of things here in Oldham.
Last P-day we went to a castle with
the Bolton elders and the zone leaders. It's basically in ruins. We just used
it as a giant playground basically. It was lots of fun. I'll try and attach a
I think I'll probably go back to
BYU-Hawaii. I've heard back from Brother Ferre and I realize how much I
absolutely love that place. So mom, could you look into what exactly I need to
do for a letter of intent?
It's been a tough couple of weeks,
but I know this is where I am meant to be. I would not choose to be anywhere
else right now. I feel like a mouse in a maze sometimes... trying to find the
cheese.... and I know remaining calm is the best option otherwise I might cause
myself a heart attack before reaching my goal. not the best analogy, but it
works. I will probably choose to extend my mission. I know how much you
would like me home, but I feel like I need to stay. I do have things to
contribute to this mission and I know that my time staying would not be wasted.
I'd be home like the 19th of August and BYU-Hawaii doesn't start until the 9th
of September. I know that it seems like a short amount of time to be home, but
I feel like it would be the best. If I came home in July, you would soon start
school and business and I wouldn't want to jump into getting a job right then
and there, plus who would take me for a month? If I would not be working and
you'd be off to work and other things, it would leave me sitting fairly idly at
home and the idle mind is the devil's playground. I would rather be serving my
Heavenly Father than subjecting myself to a situation where many good return
missionaries fall. It's not that I don't want to spend time with you, but I am
just trying to look at a bigger picture. I'll continue to pray about it though
and I invite you to do the same. I am grateful for the opportunity that you
have allowed me to have in serving a mission. I am grateful for the support and
love that you give.
Well, I don't have a whole lot else
to write about, but know that I love you and hope that you have a wonderful week.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Thursday, February 14
So... Transfers... I'm training a
new missionary again. Completely stressed to be honest. Her name is Sister
Dunn, she's English. She's a lot older than I am; it will be a challenge. Sister Smith is also training this transfer,
so I must have done something right before.
I had to go to the mission home Tuesday
night for the "Train the Trainers" meeting. So we travelled over that
way Tuesday afternoon and I said goodbye to Sister Fortuna and she was off to
her new area (Newtown) that night with her companion. Then some of us that are
training stayed in the flat near the Manchester chapel (there were 7 of us in
the flat, crazy!) So that was fun! Then we went Wednesday morning to transfers
to pick up the new sisters. We got stuck in traffic last night for over 2
hours. It snowed and everything just went into a stand still. So we got in the
area and had a bit of tea and then hiked up to the Bishop's to let Sister Dunn
meet him and his family.
I'm really stressed about
everything. I'm already second guessing everything I do. It's a lot different
than training in a car area. I fail at contacting people on the bus, I just
find it so awkward to talk to people on the bus. I am supposed to be teaching
her to just suck it up and do it, and I can't even do it. I can't very well be
a hypocrite now can I? So I dread the moment we get on a bus later today. Also,
there are so many Muslim people in our area... majority. They are lovely and
nice, but just not interested most of the time. So we have no investigators and
so we just find and find and visit less actives and find... Just trying to stay
positive about it all.
Happy Valentine's Day though!
4 sisters left yesterday; they finished their missions. It's weird to think about because that leaves only 3 sisters out longer than me in the mission. The rest came out with me or later. Weird! I had one Elder who was going home yesterday ask me to write him.... that was a bit odd, but we'll see.
Well, I don't have a whole lot else
for news. I don't know, I'm just a bit scatter brained today. Pray for me!
I wrote a letter to a Professor I had at BYUH who is now retired, I asked what he would suggest for my schooling. He said I should go back to BYUH because he says that is what I need. I'll keep praying about it though and see what the other BYUs have to say as well. I'll keep May in mind though.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Monday, February 4, 2013
I can't believe it's February!
Hailey, Happy birthday tomorrow. I thought about it the other day and had a
hard time believing you're going to be 26, but then again I haven't really
accepted I'm 22.
Well, it's been a good week. We got
a phone call last week from one of the young women saying that she had a friend
who wanted to meet with us. So we met with her this week so we have a new
investigator. She's a really sweet young lady who says she's atheist. but seems
genuinely curious and interested in the concept of God. It was a really good
lesson and she listened intently. The young woman from the ward was so happy to
see her friend being taught and she would bear testimony on the importance of
prayer and what the Spirit feels like. So it was really good to have her there
as well.
I had a very interesting
conversation with the zone leaders at the beginning of the week. We keep
getting put down because our numbers are so low. I was irritated because we can't
always control the number of lessons we have in a week. People have their
agency to choose and if they don't want to meet with us they don't want to meet
with us. So I just called the zone leaders up and said, "What in your eyes
are we doing wrong?" They both kind of froze and said that they didn't see
us doing anything wrong and then I told them that I just felt like we were
facing belittlement from different people and we were flat out told we weren't
fulfilling our potential. They apologized if they had done anything to cause
that and they said they would speak with others about not criticizing, They
thanked me for my blunt honesty. I was calm the entire time having this
conversation by the way, no shouting or yelling. So we had a nice conversation
about what needed to be done. Then they asked what my favorite foods were and I
said chocolate and Yorkshire puddings, so they showed up the next day with 8
chocolate bars and a box of Yorkshire puddings. So that was nice. Then they
invited us to attend district leader council meeting this past Saturday, and we
went and put some input in to let the district leaders know some of our
thoughts and feelings. So I guess it was a good week. I was just really open
and honest with everyone and I think I gained a lot of respect from doing so,
Honesty is the best policy after all!
Transfers are next week. We have no
idea what is going to happen. There are currently 24 sisters in the mission. We
are losing 4 next week as they've completed their missions, and we get 10 new sisters
in. Half of the sisters are going to be training starting next week and then
the next transfer has another 10 coming in so we will all be training at the
same time probably. crazy! A bit nerve racking to think about!
Well, I'm sorry to hear the kidlets
are ill. I'm facing a bit of head cold now too. It's been going around the ward
here. miserable how we share everything with the wards as missionaries.
I don't have a whole lot else to
share this week. It's been rather uneventful. My back is feeling loads better.
We had a sports day this week with the mission and I couldn't play which was
sad, but things happen.
I hope Hailey has a happy birthday
and the kids get better soon, thanks, Hailey, for sharing the little Kimber
story with me, it did make me smile! Haha! She sounds like she's quite the
Dad, Hope you travel safely this
week and get a lot of work done.
I love you all loads!
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