Sunday, June 23, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Thank you for emailing me. It was nice to have something to read today. It also was good to see pictures of the kids.
I was thinking about what you said that Tucker says I've been gone forever. If you think about it, I've been gone for 1/4 of his life and I've been gone for a little less than 1/2 of Kimber's. That is forever to them.

It's been a good week since Wednesday. Well, to be honest, I can't really remember what we've done since then...

Yesterday was good. Church was good. It was a good father's day here in Southport. We had a really good miracle happen yesterday. A few weeks ago, we had tea with the Bishop and his family. Sister Turner mentioned her cousin had been coming to church for a while and was interested in learning more. At the time the cousin was on holiday so we didn't get to meet her. We talked to Sister Turner about a week and a half ago again and she mentioned that with the time of church changing to an earlier time, her cousin wasn't sure she could make it. She has some health problems that limit her sometimes. So it wasn't looking very hopeful anymore. But yesterday her cousin did come to church! And we taught her and it was great! I asked her what she would like to see happen and she said that she wants to learn more so that she can become more of a permanent part of our church. So she has said she'll come to church every week now and so hopefully we can help her along the way! So that was great!

A funny story for you about Elders...

We have Elders here in Southport as well. I can't remember if I told you that when I moved her. But recently we've been having joint tea appointments on Sundays. So members have all 4 of us over. Yesterday Sister Finke and I had planned to catch a bus from church back to the flat to drop off the extra books we had at church and then head over to this member's for tea at 2:30. We were talking to people after church and we realized the time was 1:45. We got out to the bus stop and realized the bus wasn't coming for 20 minutes because it was on Sunday service. So we decided obviously we wouldn't have time to stop by the flat and that we needed to walk quickly to the member's to be on time. We ended up being 5 minutes late to the member's and we felt really bad... But we were there and there were no Elders. So we were waiting in the living room while the family finished up their tea preparations (which they wouldn't let us help with). After about 15 minutes the Dad came in and said the Elders were going to be late because they were waiting for a bus. The Grandma, who is proper British, was like, "The Sisters got here. Why can't the Elders get here? They walked, can't the Elders walk?" There's one Elder who is a bit overweight and rather new in the mission... and the dad said, "Elder H. doesn't like walking." The grandma replied, "Are you serious? Well he needs to learn. It would do him some good to do some walking. I'm going to tell him that when they get here." OH and tell him she did. We ended up starting eating without them... they were over 45 minutes late. She told them off good. And Sister Finke and I just sat there and tried not to laugh.... But then it got better.... During dessert, the grandma offered Elder H. some more. He said, "No thanks, I'm okay, I'm full. I ate some KFC before we came." At first we all thought they went to KFC on a Sunday, but he clarified that it was leftovers... I then asked, "Elder, do you just carry food with you all the time? You brought leftover KFC to church?" He then explained that they had gone back to their flat to get leftover KFC after church before going to the tea appointment.... oh my goodness, the grandma was not happy... She said, "You went home to eat before coming to MY house for tea and that's why you were so very late?! Next time there won't be food for you. You can just be left at the door." My only thought was like, "Elders, you are idiots and you so deserve this..." Needless to say, that family said next time it will only be us that are invited. I had to call President to ask him another question but then threw in, "President, what would you do if you were us and you were watching a member tell off the Elders? How would you respond?" He said, "A member was telling off the Elders?"--- "Well, President, they deserved it." ----"Well, then, I guess you just sit there and laugh." I like President's ideas. I told him that's what we did!

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