Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Good morning! The sun was shining yesterday but not yet today... there's still hope. It seems to get a little bit better as the day goes on.

It's been a good week. I got a new companion on Wednesday. Her name's Sister Finke from Germany. She's 19 years old. She didn't know English before she entered the MTC and was there for 6 weeks. So I'm helping her the best I can with understanding English. She's really good. She wants to improve her teaching skills and unfortunately we have no one to teach at the moment, so we do a lot of role-playing lessons in the morning.

We had stake conference yesterday. We all went down to Liverpool stake center for that. It was a broadcast from Salt Lake. So it was President Eyring, Elder Scott, Elder Baxter, and Sister Oscarson. It was really good. Elder Baxter talked a lot about finding and strengthening less-actives. Oh! And to my surprise, I learned in the opening prayer that Sister Monson passed away. That was kind of a shock to all of us missionaries. We don't hear anything.

I got so see Sister Smith at conference yesterday. I don't know if I told you this or not, but Sister Preston grounded us from each other. Apparently we are too good of friends and make other missionaries feel left out on the fun... and we cause "too much trouble." So when we have opportunities to see each other where Sister Preston isn't lurking to chastise us, we enjoy it. Sister Preston isn't too harsh on us if she catches us together, but if she thinks we're being too separate and secretive she said, "There will be more consequence than just strong words spoken." She's told me off once already. Meh, it's okay. She says she only does it because she loves us.  She's great.

I was so bummed yesterday! I just remembered! I looked everywhere to see if I could find Ben and his mom Wendy, but they weren't there! I need to write them a letter and actually send it this time. I've written a few but then realize I don't have envelopes or stamps.

Hmm, we're still spending a lot of time finding. We've knocked on like 1000 doors this week. We have had 3 people say we could stop by at a different time so we'll stop by them again this week sometime.

I don't think I've shared this with you, but I took time a while back to read through Preach My Gospel from start to finish and I highlighted in blue every time it mentioned relying on the Spirit or teaching by the Spirit (etc). It really helped me become a better missionary. I love having the ability to rely on the Spirit in all things. That's one thing several of my companions have listed as my biggest strength as a missionary. I just really know that I honestly don't have the comprehension to know exactly what people need to hear, but Heavenly Father does, so I just go with what feels right and what comes into my heart.


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