Kara realized she had not taken an official picture at the MTC.
Look! No coat!!

Preston England Temple Grounds
She is enjoying being able to see the temple every day in this area!
The sun is shining! It's supposed to
stay shining for 2 weeks! It's supposed to get up to a high of 33 degrees
Celsius! I still have no idea what that is in Fahrenheit... but sounds nice!
We had a good week. The Chorley area
is known for its member work because it's really hard to find people to teach
here. So we've been seeing a lot of members. We have a tea appointment every
night this week... It's crazy. We had tea with the temple president this last
week. That was kind of weird, but really neat!
You asked about the 4th of July... it's the 3rd
consecutive 4th of July that I've spent in the UK. I've heard several degrading
comments about America this week, but that's okay! A family in the ward had us
over for a BBQ with American food. So we had hot dogs, hamburgers, and cake! So
that was fun!
We did some service for a member
this week helping to make cakes for a big auction that they had in the ward to
help raise funds for EFY. It was loads of fun helping!
Not a whole lot interesting to tell
from this week! It's been a really good week! Still loving the opportunity I
have to see the temple every day!
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