Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

 It's raining again. We have time today since we don't have much planned so we are going boot shopping. Still wearing my hush puppies that fill with water and Sister Smith doesn't even have boots yet. That's our goal today. Go find some Wellies.

I came down with a bit of a head cold this week and then subsequently Sister Smith got it. So we both sit here sniffling writing our letters. :)

It's been a good week. We had Multi-zone training last week and so that was nice. They divided us at one point so that all the senior companions were together and all the junior companions were together. I still haven't really grasped that whole concept. It's good though that it's not so evident. I am glad that Sister Smith and I see each other as equal and we are just really good friends. Sister Smith really is great. We are so much alike. She wasn't feeling very well the other day and I asked her if we needed to rest. She was being really stubborn. I said,"You need to take care of yourself!" As I said it I cringed. She said, "You're one to talk! President tells you that all the time!" I cringed because I knew she was being just like me so it gave me no room to talk. So we both decided that we would be good and take a rest to "Take care of ourselves." I called President last night and apologized because I came to realize just how stubborn and a pain I can be at times. He laughed and said it was true. Honest, Sister Smith and I are so much alike. President says we're a good combination though because we are accomplishing great things! And we are.

Everyone in the ward here has become like family. They saw me last Tuesday night just as my head cold was settling in. Bishop asked if I was ill. I said yes. He then asked me if I was eating properly and taking care of myself. I said, "Define eating properly." He asked what I had for breakfast. I said a pop tart; which I was pretty proud that I had eaten that! He said, "Hold out your hand." Sister Smith and I both thought he wanted to see if I was shaking. So I confidently held my hand out palm down... he slapped it and said, "Pop tarts are rubbish and aren't a proper breakfast." Then Bishop's mom came over and got the update and said, "Love, Don't you know that in the 2009th section of the Doctrine and Covenants it says that pop tarts are against the Word of Wisdom? I'll print it for you." We had a laugh and they sent me home with cold medicine. So I am being well looked after.

We are meeting a lot of Chinese people. The University starts up again this week so a lot of new people just came in. Once things settle a bit more, I am sure we will see much more success.
Well, I hope you are all doing well. I am doing great! I am enjoying life so much! I'm experiencing a bit of homesickness as the holidays approach, but it's okay. I've got good memories to think back over of Holidays in the past. I think as the weather gets colder with the holidays it makes me more homesick than when I lived in Hawaii because I didn't see a proper winter. The last proper winter I had was at home with family and when I was still in High school. I know it's still only September, but it's getting mighty chilly over here already. You're probably still baking in the heat!

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