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Ben and Kara...If I knew how to straighten it up, I would! |
It has been another good week! A very long week, but those do happen.
Ben got baptized! I am so glad I was able to go! We drove up to Liverpool on Saturday for the baptism and stayed the night in Liverpool before driving down Sunday morning for stake conference (saves on miles). It was so good to see Ben again and his mom, Wendy! They are probably some of the most wonderful people you could imagine. I also am sending a picture of little Ben and myself. He is a pretty cute kid. Such a big heart as well. His mom, Wendy, at the baptism, said they had something to give me. So little Ben came up after the service and gave me a little grocery bag. In the grocery bag was: Nutella, an apple, and blue raspberry bon bons. When he handed it to me and I looked in it, my first thought was, He's been reading my blog! Wendy told me later that they gave me those things because in my last letter to Ben I think I mentioned my blog and he had found it and got all excited and had been reading it. I just love that kid! I don't know if I've ever told you about the blue raspberry bon bons. Wendy had them out for us one time when we went to teach Ben. There were several sweets and she said I had to try one because I would like them. I did. They are bright blue. So I remember going from teaching Ben to ward coordination with a very blue tongue because they were too good I couldn't just have one!! So it was very sweet of them to remember that! I just cannot express the gratitude for wonderful people like Ben and Wendy allowing me to be a part of their lives! I feel so blessed to have met these wonderfully caring people!
At stake conference (keep in mind, I've been in the same stake here since I left Liverpool. Birkenhead and Gaerwen are in the same stake.), I saw Bill, our friend who got baptized while I was in Birkenhead. I was so happy to see him as well! I'm rather horrible at keeping in touch with people! Bill told me he enjoys reading my blog as well... who knew so many people knew about my blog? Everyone tells me it's not too complicated to find. I'm glad to know people care!
After stake conference we went on an exchange... with the zone leaders... They called us the other day and asked if we could stay after conference to do a finding exchange with them. We don't usually go on exchanges with elders... like ever. They said that they have been asked to go on as many exchanges with as many companionships as they can and that this was the only way they could really do so with sisters. So we split up in Wrexham (where stake conference was) I was with Elder Francis and Sister Smith was with Elder Corbin. We were always with in sight and sound of our companions as to make sure we were still obedient. It is very different going finding with elders than with sisters. They are bold... and slightly terrifying. Elder Francis, though, is a very great missionary. He's new as zone leader in this zone this transfer so I haven't ever served around him before. He knows his purpose in being here and he is determined in all that he does. I learned a lot from our little exchange and I am not an elder so in many ways I can't be like him, but many good principles can be applied. Sister Smith had a good experience as well, they were able to teach a lesson on the spot with some people. So it was very good.
So it's been a great weekend of fond memories and wonderful feelings! I honestly almost started crying at Ben's baptism, I was just so happy and the Spirit was just so strong! The musical number was two families singing, "I am a child of God" and it was just so precious! It was just very touching.
I don't have a whole lot else to say. We're off to see another castle today with the district (once again, in our area). Then, President and Sister Preston are coming down to see us this evening... That's why we were late getting to email, we were making sure our flat was very nice and clean.
So a rather short letter this week. Hailey emailed. She said Dusty was making fun of her novel of an email. I think it was shorter than this. If her emails are novels, my emails are a set of encyclopedias.
I have to tell you, I use Tucker a lot when I am finding people. People often tell us, I'm already happy. I tell them something to the effect:
"I have a nephew. He likes chocolate; as do I. If I bring him a chocolate bar and don't show him the whole chocolate bar, but give him a piece of chocolate, he is pretty happy, and he is happy because that they may be all there is, but it is still chocolate. But how much happier do you think he is when I give him the rest of the chocolate bar? Well, that is what we are sharing. You do know happiness because you don't know all that we can share with you, yet. We share things such as the Book of Mormon..."
That's my thing lately. I think it is a good illustration to use when faced with "I'm already happy."
Well, I am happy. Happier than ever! Hope this email finds you happy as well!
I love you all very very much!