Dad- Happy Belated Father's Day! go buy a chocolate bar and some animal crackers and say they're from me! :)
Hailey- Hope you enjoyed Tahiti you lucky duck.
So,it's very wet here. very wet. I need to go buy new boots already.... I mean it has been 5 months, but I'm really sad I have to get new boots.... I liked those boots. The soles are falling off a bit so the rain just gets in my boots and it is no fun.
I don't really know what to share today. We found some mountains the other day as we were driving out to a member, so we took pictures. We met some sheep and I tried to teach them about the good shepherd, but they wouldn't listen. (see picture) It is very beautiful here, there's a lot of different sceneries you come across so it is very lovely!
President talked to me on Tuesday and told me he will put me back in Liverpool soon, he said it might not be next transfer but he says he has no doubt I need to go back there. So that is something to look forward to. I also asked him how I can learn to be patient with my companion and also how to recognize when it is a time to be patient and when it is a time to give correction. He emailed me this morning with scriptures to study and suggestions. So hopefully I can figure something out. My cold is getting better, I am almost over it, I just need to get rid of my cough.
I loved the pictures of the kids out camping! They are so cute and are getting so big! I miss them so much! They are going to be like completely different little people by the time I get back!
It's hard to believe it is technically summer and mom is done working for a while and school is out and whatnot. I also can't believe I've been out for 5 months now. Time is flying and I'm wondering every once in a while if I am making the most of it. We are doing better with numbers in this new area though.
I'm sorry it is so short, I honestly can't think of anything else substantial to say. I hope Mom and Dad are having fun camping right now and know that I am jealous! We keep driving in areas and I keep saying, "This reminds me of Idaho!"
I love you all so much and I hope everything is going well! I love hearing from you and I look forward to mondays so much!
We were able to hop on the computer for a second this morning and I thought I'd drop you a note to tell you I love you! My companion backed into me yesterday with the car and then couldn't understand why I was mad at her. I said I'm pretty sure I was justified! If I am standing behind the car it means don't go because traffic is too heavy to back up... I almost lost it. She could have seriously hurt me if I hadn't kept my balance! So there are things she and I need to discuss... but other than that, the sun is finally shining and I am working on my tan!
I hope you and dad made it safely back from your camping trip! I love you!
For once, it is sunny, but still very cold. We are still wearing our winter coats... it was not this bad when I lived in London last summer! I just keep thinking it'll get warmer... then it doesn't. It's okay, I'll just live in my coat. I told President he better just plan to send me home late October early November because I don't think I am going to survive a winter here. It is ridiculous! apparently my body doesn't want to adapt to this part of the world!

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