Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thursday, May 3

Kara had to e-mail late this week, and I have totally gotten out of wack with my posting!  So sorry!

Dear Madre and Padre,

We weren't sure we were even going to have time to write this week, but we are able to squeeze some time in now! Nothing really changed with Transfers except we lost Sister Spencer... and the car... I personally may be a bit more upset about the second. So Sister Hoffman and I are staying together in Birkenhead still... minus the car. They gave the car to another set of sisters who just got whitewashed into an area bigger than ours... but still. ha!

So it is back to walking and bus-ing and train-ing.

But I'm officially done being trained! two transfers are through and I am a fully trained missionary now! woot!

I was able to make it back to Liverpool last Saturday for the baptism of Mary. It was great! I actually went on splits to go! I discussed it with my companions and we had decided that maybe it would be better for Sister Hoffman and Spencer to stay in Birkenhead while I went to Liverpool. So we arranged for me to go with a member for a companion. I asked the member if we could go to Liverpool a wee bit early and we did, so I went and saw Ben and his mom. They were so happy to see me show up on their doorstep! So I had a little lesson with Ben before heading off to the baptism. It was really a great baptism! Mary was so happy to be getting baptised!

As for skyping on mother's day, we are supposed to find people in our area to allow us to use skype or the phone. Because our ward is more elderly people, there are not many who have skype and from what I hear it is really hard to get it to work well in this area, so it may just be a phone call but I am not yet sure.

I spoke in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. I spoke about Matthew 18 and the parable of the lost sheep. I talked about how verse 14 really took on new meaning for me on my mission, "it is not the will of your Father, which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish." I talked about how yes, in the foot notes, it is talking about small children, but in the greater scheme of things aren't we all just little children? So I talked about how everyone that we meet we should see in this way. We wouldn't want God's children to dwindle and perish in unbelief just because we weren't willing to share the happiness that we find in the gospel. Apparently, I made people cry, or so I'm told.

Hmmm what else to say... I am tired, but life is good.

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